Case Study

Optimizing Multiple Care Management
Programs on a Single Platform


Targeting Improved Healthcare Outcomes

Prior to implementing ChronicCareIQ, MedCorps Asthma & Pulmonary Specialists faced challenges in real-time monitoring, transitional care management (TCM), and managing patients with chronic conditions. The practice needed more information about patients between visits so they could react quickly when they saw lung disease progression – before it became harder on the patient and harder to heal. “We look at people, as well as the numbers. Previously, when we were unable to see numbers change instantly, we were unable to act.”

Provider Background

MedCorps Asthma and Pulmonary Specialists LLC is a pulmonary, asthma, and sleep apnea practice independently and veteran-owned, operating across various locations in South Jersey and Maysville, Kentucky.

Implementing Proactive Patient Care through ChronicCareIQ Innovation

Implementing ChronicCareIQ at Medcorps drastically improved patient care.

This integration enabled:

  • Real-time health monitoring and quick responses
  • Managing transitions between care settings preventing gaps in care
  • Improved medication management and patient engagement
  • Optimized workflow and staff satisfaction
  • Improved financial stability with revenue growth
  • Ensured continuous care and enhanced patient safety
  • Reduced no-shows, improved appointment management
  • Optimized resource utilization at the practice

“This is work that we can be proud of. We’re doctors and nurses. This is what we do... It’s meaningful!”

“This care management revenue is a great offset to the Medicare cuts. We’ve also ramped up our CCM, TCM, and RPM initiatives all on a single platform”

Adding 127 new patients into the program monthly

Increase in Medicare
0 %+
CCIQ Return on
0 %
0 +
Patients Qualified
for Billing
0 %

Overall Practice Benefits:

  • Real-Time Health Monitoring: “When we’re able to see numbers change instantly, we can act decisively.”
  • Proactive Patient Care: “Our nurses now are able to see real-time health trends and intervene accordingly. We could never have performed that level of care before ChronicCareIQ.”
  • Seamless Integration: “The integration is unbelievably seamless with Athena. Never any issues.”
  • Improved Patient Engagement: “Many of our patients are just glad to have somebody call and check on them. We’re the only ones.”
  • Workflow Optimization: “It’s really cut back on patient phone calls to the CCM managers.”
Life-saving Story

A patient with a cardiac loop recorder reported feeling anxious during a call with a chronic care manager at MedCorps. Although initially thought to be nervousness, it was discovered she was in atrial fibrillation, a condition missed by the cardiologist who installed the recorder. This incident underscored the importance of close monitoring in pulmonology, where even minor changes can be significant, potentially preventing serious health outcomes like a stroke.